A substantial funding boost for Queensland's Bruce Highway will benefit those with real estate in Rockhampton as well as other residents in the state.
The Bruce Highway and Gateway Motorway will be getting almost $10 billion from the federal and state governments, allowing more than 70 projects aimed at improving capacity, safety and flood mitigation to proceed.
The upgrades will allow essential safety measures to be added to the highway, including wider centre lines, audible edge lines and more overtaking lanes.
The funding will also see several key projects near Rockhampton being completed, as well as construction of the Mackay Ring Road and additional lanes on the Sunshine Coast.
This is the largest investment in the project to date, providing the necessary funds to ensure that critical improvements to the highway can be made.
"Whether you live in Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Maryborough, Gympie, the Sunshine Coast or Brisbane, improvements will be coming to your local section of the Bruce Highway under the Federal Coalition," Queensland premier Campbell Newman said in a July 17 statement.
The highway is an important north-south corridor in Queensland, passing through several major cities and connecting Brisbane with Cairns.
Once the project is completed, Rockhampton residents and other Queenslanders will be able to enjoy safe, reliable and efficient transportation through the state.