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Suburb Profiles

Our Region


Rockhampton is considered the capital of Central Queensland, situated on the Tropic of Capricorn with the Rockhampton Regional Council encompassing a total land area of 18,300 square kilometres, including national parks, state forests, coastline and islands. Rockhampton is approximately 25 minutes from the Pacific Ocean and the city is divided by Queensland’s largest and most picturesque river, the Fitzroy.


The Rockhampton Region has a population of over 111,500 people with approximately 84,000 of these living in the immediate Rockhampton and surrounding suburbs.  The Region has 4 major localities including Rockhampton, Gracemere, Mount Morgan and Yeppoon.  The City Centre is approximately 600 kilometres north of the Queensland capital Brisbane which translates to relatively short one hour flight.


Founded in 1855, local architecture is a pleasing mix of colonial through to modern. Homes in the suburbs south of the river are predominantly older Queensland architectural styles from modest workers cottages through to sprawling colonials on the ‘Range’. The northern suburbs on the other hand contain most of the modern homes with Frenchville and the rural residential areas being the most popular. The median price of a home is about $250,000 making it a very affordable city in which to live and raise a family.


Major industries in the region include mining, agriculture, cattle and education. Coal from the nearby Bowen Basin with estimated reserves of 10,000 million tonnes is the major mining activity. Rockhampton is recognised throughout the world as Australia’s Beef Capital. Two major meatworks handle the huge volume of cattle, supplying both local and export market. A Beef Expo is held every three years generating  national and international interest. Beef 2021 was a major international draw card and success.  Power generation and tourism are also important industries to the Rockhampton region.


Noted for it’s excellent education facilities Rockhampton is well served by both private and public schools, several for boarders. It’s two Grammar Schools having the highest of reputations. CQ University is also a major benefit to the city with external campuses throughout Australia and overseas.


With a widespread base of industry, commerce and primary production the local economy tends to be stable with moderate but sustained growth. Real Estate values, in all sectors, reflect this stability and offer realistically priced investment opportunities with medium to long-term capital gains.


If you are a new resident to Rockhampton Capricorn Tourism offers Relocation Packs, these are available visiting their website of calling on 4927 2055. More information is also available at the Rockhampton Regional Council website or by calling Customer Service on 1300 22 55 77.

Source: Rockhampton Regional Council, ABS